Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Rest In Peace Blog.. Not!!

Turn On Yer EngineS~!!
*Choke* *Choke* *Wet fartin' sound* Vroooooom~!!

Body: Brain! Turned On?
Brain: Yess ah!
Body: Eyes! You Up?
Eyes: (Whispers) I see dead people... whoops.
Body: Alriiighty lets start typin' some bullshit! Hey Somethin' stinks 'ere..
Brain: Sorray~ *farts*

No My Brain Is Not Where You Think It Is..

Please mind not that nonsense.
Ahh blardee! Wanna update stuff here also don't feel like it these days whoops weeks sorry months!
Why? Its just because I happen to get so much stuff to fill up my time since the past two, three months(yahoo!!) but it kept me super busy.
Lets see whats been happening err.. cheerleading performances of course, managing a show or two as well, the CHARM 2008 - 2009 all-star squad tryouts, projects like maaaaaaaaad~, Mamak Nights and Dead Sleepy Mornings, and... more!

So PMR was around the corner like some drive-by shooting (reaaally fast then *BANG* like you wouldn't even see it coming) and it just ended few days back (byee byee~) and now the world is awaiting the arrival of AssPee'em (SPM)
I'll tell youu its like every year during this exam period, there's this feeling of dread and boredom and uselessness that clouds over you for the whole duration of it.
Makes you feel like Poo every passing day which bothered me even if I wasn't the one taking any of the exams. Maybe Its just me worring for those who are and hope they do well. (haha me worry?! yea actually I do)


Its just that phobia people tend to keep after secondary school.. that phobia of facing PMR and SPM.. hmm

Anyway moving on now! Goodness its been quite an interesting past few months as well I got to meet so many people from the past, present and err.. future? =D
I mean like mostly friends and aquaintances from school and all that.
I shall refer to that as my *Life - Networking Phase II*
coz lemme see only time I did that getting-to-know-people big time was at the start of Form-1 so yea.

From some previous few events that I got involved in I had the chance to meet a few individuals known and unknown.. err. right. Some few I've seen around school like forever but never conversed with, others like those kinda HI-BYE people you'd meet every once in awhile,
the rest of them were those who I've actually viewed/monitored their whole entire lives in school, all their ups and downs and stuff, and well one or two who I've been really close with before.

OH YES if you didn't know this one thing about me I'll tell you now, I remember people by how they look like far more better than with their names.
Well thats just partly what I'm trying to say. What I mean is I like to look at things (no I assure you I'm not a pervert who stares at whatevers) I like to see how people behave, what things they do, how they react to stuff, study ahh thats right.. study how people live their lives.

And there's more to that then. Now if you really do know me, you'll know that I don't talk as much as most others do. (No I'm not partially daft) Its just that I like to listen to everything around me. Its what I do best. Being an observant person.

Body: Oii! Brain Get You arse back up start workin'!!
Brain: Daym It can I Have a BreaK pleaaaaaase~~
Brain: Hey whY you Do that FoR?!
Hands: We needa finish thiS Post or we'll be screeeewd~
Mouth: Aaaah Shaaaaadduuuup~
Brain: Look who's talkin'.. *farts*


now how lame can that be.. =.=

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