As Of 1.30pm Friday..
Hey! Me Woke Up,
Hey! Me Just Bathe,
Hey! Yo What Up?
Me Need to be saved. :S
Me sleep no enough,
Me Got Cheer at 6,
Me worry it be rough,
Please me need, big fix!
Me burn CD for show,
Now lie on bed,
Hey! Me Woke Up,
Hey! Me Just Bathe,
Hey! Yo What Up?
Me Need to be saved. :S
Me sleep no enough,
Me Got Cheer at 6,
Me worry it be rough,
Please me need, big fix!
Me burn CD for show,
Now lie on bed,
Finish test CD.. now,
Me Want to rest head.
Me think,
Me Want to rest head.
Me think,
Now me look like big dead Pand-ah.
Or maybe like Racoon!
Lucky! Me got sunglasses-ah.
Or I Become Jakoon! (So It rhymes)
Or maybe like Racoon!
Lucky! Me got sunglasses-ah.
Or I Become Jakoon! (So It rhymes)
After Cheer me send humans home.
Or maybe me go eat.
Humans all plan yesterday.
Big Hot Water Boat we eat!
Oh Me, Oh My!
Why why why why!
I no get good good sleep?!
Now Die! Watudu?
Good For Me.. Thank You!
I go start count tha SHEEP!
Or maybe me go eat.
Humans all plan yesterday.
Big Hot Water Boat we eat!
Oh Me, Oh My!
Why why why why!
I no get good good sleep?!
Now Die! Watudu?
Good For Me.. Thank You!
I go start count tha SHEEP!